Been workin on a couple bows, one being for my neighbors son. He didnt want anything to snazzy, went with a solid zebrawood riser and colored glass.
After getting it roughed out, it came in quite a bit over target weight.
So I started workin on it and had to take quite a bit off to get weight down.
When I did, top limb was kickin to to right. So worked on it double and triple checking string grooves and they were fine. Worked on taking a lil material off at a time on limb to get it back in alignment but got to point there just wasn’t enough left and did not like how it looked.
Lessons learned- if its too heavy, don’t try to make it something its not meant to be. Instead of trying to force it, keep it as is and start over anyway. Instead of a heavier stock bow, I gotta start over anyway. Now all it is is a fancy tomato stake for next years garden.