I absolutely attempt to avoid the gray areas. A well tuned arrow, sharp head and well placed arrow will produce excellent results with very light arrows. The reality, more often than not, is having an arow placement on whitetails different from the intended mark.
Have guided numerous successful whitetail trad hunts with hunters using actual draw wts from 40 to 42#s and arrows over 500 gn. Pass thrus have been the norm and have had adequate penetration in other vital marked areas.
Hunters are often concerned more with reducing the arrow trajectory than focusing on improving their own skills. The realm of opportunity to improve our own skills is vast as compared to compiling all the other areas of opportunity such as a faster arrow, the best BH, the best string and over-all arrow design and so on.
Have hunted numerous times with a gentleman that is the only individual featured in North American Whitetail seven times. He is a 7 time Traditional World 3D champion. He shoots 12 gpp on the 3D range and in the field. Another good friend, who ranks in the top 3, also shoots heavy gpp during 3D competitions.
Research and you will find that the vast majority of successful veteran trad hunters, themselves, do not tread in the lower areas of arrow weight for the game they pursue.
Not an any way attempting to discredit the former comments. Your intended arrow will work. As humans, we are prone to quickly grasp as a solid choice when are presented with the answer we want to hear.
The quarry we are so gifted to pursue deserve nothing short of our best efforts.