That's what I thought too, Mark... I sent some dimensions any way... I got the idea off another forum but I like my design better... The offset adjuster makes it...
It is a 6 x 48 Harbor Freight sander... Actually a pretty decent sander... I am happy with it... I don't know if the newer ones are any good... they look a little different... Their 4" sanders suck... I have one that I put on it's side and put a real 1/2 hp motor to it and with a 50 grit zirc belt... The thing is now a beast... I use it for all my rough sanding and shaping...
The 6 x 48 is on it's side... Two bolts go through the base and hold it to the table... The base is also shimmed so that the drive drum is 90* to the table... I have two more bolts threaded into the table that the sander also rests on... I can raise these up or down to get the platen 90* to the table...
For the first couple of years I kept thinking that I needed a big 'ol edge sander... Then I put that 6" sander on it's side and did not like it for sanding my limbs... I felt it was to long and if I was not careful the limb would sometimes be getting sanded where I was not looking... Now I sand my limbs on that 4" sander... It sands only the area that you are working on and in your site... It seems that I had come full circle and found out that smaller is better... For me anyway...