While I would like to be able to say that we both got a bear, I have to say that the weather here really has not been cooperating. At this rate the season will be over before we can even access our hunting area. Today we took a quick jaunt over the pass to see how far it had melted up the mountains, and found blizzard conditions in the valley. Not too encouraging.
Here are a few pics, and yes we had fun anyway.
the road was closed--not a good sign. even worse when the sign is buried in snow.
I honestly did not think I would have had to break out my overwhites for this hunt, but there you go
heres a spot about5 miles back down the road, where there was not much snow, and absolutely no bear sign, which seemed to make it perfect spot to attempt a burn
mmmmm, jello and marshmallows and syrup, yum. forget the bears this is dessert. if my fiance asks how all the burned black stuff got in the bottom of our pot, you don't know nothin'!
Time to invest in a Ski-doo I reckon....
Anyway the day ended early when our butts got cold and wet. And I predict we will probably do it again :D