Fortunately for me, I never had much trouble working up in weight. If you go up a lot, it will take quite a while, because you want to do it slowly to avoid injury. A three pound change ought to be simply a matter of shooting a few extra arrows at the new weight on a regular basis for a couple of weeks. Do it regularly. Don't count your progress simply by the number of times you can pull the heavier weight. Rather, concentrate on making the extra pulls with good form. Since you have had to struggle to increase a few pounds, it is valid to ask if you have had injuries in the past that impose physical limitations. If so, you probably should not necessarily try to increase. If form is a limiting factor, that can be remedied. I am 71 and started out at 45# draw. I have gone up through the 50, 59, 65, and 78# draw weights and shot them all reasonably well. However, I don't really recommend that average build guys do it. I now hunt at 53# but shoot 40# when working on form. That is an overly long way of saying that a 3# increase should not be difficult, but you still want to do it over a little time. Good luck with your quest.