Here is a quote from the Illinois DNR website about harvest limits:
One deer per legally authorized permit. No hunter, regardless of the quantity or type of permits in his/her possession, may harvest more than 2 antlered deer during a year, including the Youth, Archery, Muzzleloader and Firearm Seasons.
For purposes of this bag limit, deer seasons are considered to be in the same year if their opening dates fall within the same 12-month period that begins July 1. A hunter in possession of an either-sex permit after having harvested 2 antlered deer during a year may only use the permit to harvest an antlerless deer.
Subject to this restriction, an either-sex permit holder is allowed to take a deer with or without antlers during the legal season. An antlerless-only permit holder is allowed to take only a deer without antlers or a deer having antlers less than 3 inches long during the legal season."
I admit it is written in "Illinoisan", or at least Bureaucrat-ese, but I hope that helps clarify things a bit.