I felt that this is important enough that I thought it deserved it's own Thread... And it's all Mattock's fault...
When someone asks you a question do you answer it to the best of your ability to convey the proper info back as to leave no stone unturned??
Well Mattock does... In one of the recent threads he needed help deciding how to bend some lams up a riser... He took the time to answer everyone's questions the best he could... Do you know why?? Because he realizes that if he supplies enough info someone might have the right answer for his issue... Plus there is the matter of respect... Answer the damn questions... Your the one that asked for help and now someone is trying to help you... Another person took the time and interest in you problem... They feel that they could help you out or have the answer and you ignore their questions... I see it happen all the time... With some of you old farts that think that you already have all the answers and some of you new fart, greenhorns that think they have got things figured out in their own head... Well if you think that you have got it so figured out that you think the questions are irrelevant then you are a fool... There is a reason these people are asking you these questions... Get out of your own head (or your head out of your a$$)... You can never have enough information even if you think you know the answers to their questions someone could have a different twist on things and enlighten you...
And for God sakes... If someone takes the time to help you with an issue, Thank Them... It's the right thing to do...
If you ignore a guys questions and don't thank him, what makes you think that he is gonna want to help you on the second time around when you have another issue... He may have had the answer for you the first time around and the second also... You lose in the end... Not just on this project but on future ones because the guy with the answers could have enlightened you on other things also or open your mind to other things that help you come up with and form you own ideas and answers for future projects...
This happens to me all the time... I ask questions and nobody has the answers... I ask more and prod around more and someone unwittingly says something that sparks my brain on a new idea or a solution to the problem... So in the end 'I' came up with the solution to the problem but it was through conveying ideas with other people that made me think a little deeper or out of my own box...
So open up my friends... Throw the ego out the window... Ask lots of questions and answer all the questions asked to you...
Wishing all my Bow Building Brothers a Spectacular Day...