Can you expand on the application of the rattan and where you source it?
Cane & Basket BAS-FOR-0003 Flat oval Reed 1/4" x 3/64" x 275'
the Rattan will snap easy when dry
I soaked it in water for about 30 min. while I was gluing on the floppy arrow rest , Tite bond 3 ,shaved down the starting end , 1st wrap overlap just a bit and kept going, pulled the tail end under the next to last lap, pull tight, cut off the tail, I put a spring clamp on it for a while.
I will post pictures of the start and end of the wrap tomarrow
Some of the pieces are short 5/6 foot (some are 13/14'), so I made a skive joint (just like lams) for a test, super glued it and soaked it too, just a little light sanding.
My piece was 13' 6"and I used just over 7' for mine.