This question has been asked a number times, I don't think we are going to get the right answer for every individual. I think that the poundage is different for every individual that's on here that wants to go elk hunting. I would think that the importance would be on the heaviness of the arrow, the most important part, would be shot placement. I don't think elk are any tougher than a Whitetail deer in proportion, if you hit Bone, you're going to need to be prepared for it.
When you ask a question, is it enough poundage ! You need to be prepared to get answers from people that you may not expect them to shoot a 65 or 70# bow, but from what I have seen on here in the last five years, the average I would say would be 55 lbs. with a 600 gr arrow or more.
I haven't heard anybody mention, relax when they come to the shot opportunity present itself. I would think that that falls into shot placement, I know that there are perfect shots, and that is what should be striving for on every shot rather be elk or Whitetail.
We practice all year long for something that takes three to five seconds. Is there a perfect poundage? Is there are perfect arrow weight ?
It is what it needs to be for that particular individual. Me trying to dictate what somebody else should shoot because the " elk deserves it" doesn't quite cut it, that would be like me trying to change the rules of church, or dictate how you handle your relationship with Jesus Christ. It's not going to happen.
The best piece of equipment that you have is setting right on your shoulders ! Use it !
Pastor Carl