" It's obvious experience is falling on deaf ears. You've asked, and haven't gotten the return you were favoring and simply want to ignore the fact an elk is a huge animal."
Is there anyone here that has gone elk hunting and shot an elk, and hit a rip, what kind of penetration did you have ? What poundage and grain of arrow did you do it with ?
And the real question is would somebody else's bow at the same poundage do the same thing under the same conditions ?
It seems like getting hung up on poundage of the bow and the weight of the arrow, is almost a fine line of " my wheels are better than your wheels"
I would think that everybody's bow is going to function differently, especially if they are custom bows, sure they're all going to cast a arrow, but the energy from each of the bows will be different. But then again maybe the difference is not to be that much, to make that difference.
If you look at my signature line, I have two 43 lb. bows, but I know that one is faster than the other one. The recurve his 13 fps faster. This is just one example of what I'm talking about. Custom bows being different.
My first thought would be, do I want to spend all that money for a license, travel, lodging, and everything else that goes along with a trip, and then not have the best possible poundage in a bow to hunt with.
You're putting the three to five seconds of your opportunity for a shot up against questionable odds if you don't do it right.
In my uneducated opinion, I would think 47 lbs. would be enough, but you would have limitations, and if you have the discipline to honor those limitations, you also will have the courage to accept empty hands at the end of the hunt.
But what if you're wrong.
That becomes a pretty big question !
Pastor Carl