Idk bud if you want actual turkey hunt advice for one 200 yards is way too far to even begin your morning. Chances are way too slim, too many things can go wrong. Also you mention not being able to get closer. Is this your only spot? If so that’s also part of the problem. All your eggs would be in a long chance basket. It could happen but if you had multiple spots, somewhere would offer higher odds.
Personally best case scenario, if &you can roost a bird, I’d get 70 yards maybe from him. Go in super early, like 2 hours before light. The birds are harder to wake than. Also no lights and go a step or two at a time when you get close.
Try n get in front of direction he’s facing so he perhaps flies down to you. Sometimes they flip but at least try. If he’s got hens they often aren’t roosted directly w Tom. Get between em.
Now a couple light tree calls or a fly down either audibly or w a wing. Preferably when he’s either down n can’t see or if you have a ridge, tree, etc blocking him. Be careful he can see you. If need be wait til he flies down, fly down w the wing, hat, decoy bag, etc. Than maybe some soft contact clucks or yelps, purrs while scratching in the leaves. You’ll seem disinterested. He has a decent chance of closing distance.
There’s so many scenarios though. Gotta take the birds temperature. If he wants more calling from you and reacts positively to it, you can pour it on but be careful. You can’t go back typically. Start easy and close. Take the advice or leave it. But you’re nit in the game consistently being so far.
Also when he’s coming what you’ve done is working. Stop calling and let him find you. Do whatever is working. Read the play so to speak