What?? Am I the only goofball who cobbles crap together?
Well here is another creation. I made this Sled/Shooting board jig years ago to deal with some fancy grain wood that was getting washboarded going thru the drum sander. It's mostly MDF offcuts. The bed to the right of the sled, is not fixed and is shimmed for thickness. The 2 sets of 1/4" strips are placed on the inside edges of the sled for the stock removal tools to ride on. One set is tapered, the other parallel. The Al strips and other odd pieces go under the bed to shim for thickness. The bed has sandpaper glued down to keep the lams from slipping. It's very accurate, more so than machine tapered lams, in fact I true up all my lams with this jig after milling. It is slow but gets the job done. This would be a decent setup for someone who wants to make their own lams but does not have a machine sander. Couple of things to note, one is everything must be square, flat and planar. The other thing is, the rails are a wear item and need to be checked and replaced when worn. Even materials like MDF, which appear to be very uniform, have defects and need to be checked carefully to insure the accuracy of the jig