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Author Topic: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long  (Read 5725 times)

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2021, 05:31:16 PM »
Once I had everything turned to round I moved to focusing on the drilling of the cylinders.  Usually this is one of the first steps.  For whatever reason, impatience really, I turned the pieces to round before drilling them out.  It wasn't a big deal except that it made the process a little more difficult.  Regardless, I stopped and gave it all some thought.  Once the wood is removed we all know it can't be put back.  I did a couple practice drills on other pieces to confirm inside diameters and such.  My bench quickly became cluttered.
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2021, 05:33:24 PM »
A little tip that I'm sure we've all used for this, that, or the other is tape as a depth gauge.  It's a nice simple way to make sure you don't go too far when that's a concern.  So, some blue painters tape and voila!  I had both pieces bored out and ready to be shaped.  I don't have a drill press so I use the lathe as a sort of sideways drill press.  In my next house...
« Last Edit: July 25, 2021, 05:54:41 PM by J. Holden »
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #22 on: July 25, 2021, 05:36:33 PM »
It was then onto the final shaping and sanding of the call pieces.  Unless someone has some specific shape they're looking for I generally try to make some nice curvy lines and a sharp point or two.  Sometimes there's really no shape at all and it's a gentle slope from one end to the other.  This is where one can really be creative and create some neat pieces.  One piece also needed to have another tenon turned on it so it could be fitted to the other piece.
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #23 on: July 25, 2021, 05:41:52 PM »
My question earlier for Tony was regarding the lay out of the call.  As I started thinking about it I had originally thought the antler ring would be neat in the middle and the two ends the walnut burl.  But then I thought "What if he tried blowing on the wrong end in the heat of the moment, when a huge Kansas buck is walking away, and his call makes no sound?  And the buck keeps walking never to be seen again?  And it was all my fault?!".  Well, maybe not the dramatic  :biglaugh:.  So after texting back and forth we decided to place the antler ring on one end and the two walnut burls after it.  That way it should help eliminate confusion in the heat of the moment.
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #24 on: July 25, 2021, 05:47:25 PM »
It was then onto the stain.  I applied one coat and let it sit.  I then went into the sun and took a picture of it and asked Tony how dark did he want to go.  When I apply the final finish it may darken up a little more too.  He said one coat looked great and so that was that.  After I got the one piece stained I mounted and turned the other piece.  I didn't get any pictures of the sanding process.  I think we've all sanded wood at some point or another  :jumper:.  But my process is to sand with the lathe on, turn the lathe off and sand with the grain.  This is important especially with darker wood as the sanding lines will show if you don't do the second step.  I sand through 180, 220, 320 & 400 grit paper.  I probably don't need to do as much sanding but I also believe that the effort produces a beautiful end result.  So that's what I do.  Here's both pieces sanded and stained.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2021, 05:56:50 PM by J. Holden »
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #25 on: July 25, 2021, 05:48:51 PM »
Tomorrow I'll apply the final finish.  This will take me quite awhile as it is also a laborious process.  But again, the results are stunning.  Stay tuned and happy Sunday everyone!

-Jeremy :coffee:

P.S.  Remember that crack that appeared?  She gone!  Turned it right away  :bigsmyl:
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Online Duker

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #26 on: July 25, 2021, 06:14:38 PM »
WOW!!! Jeremy, that's going to be one awesome call.
Looking forward to seeing it when your finished.

Online kennym

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #27 on: July 25, 2021, 06:30:21 PM »
Stay sharp, Kenny.


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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #28 on: July 25, 2021, 06:50:04 PM »
Man!! I can’t wait till November to take it to the woods!!  Thanks again Jeremy!

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #29 on: July 26, 2021, 12:39:09 PM »
Well I believe I'm done with Tony's deer grunter.  Come along as we wrap this project up!

I again set up the shop.  This morning's coffee is in another favorite mug I have.  I suppose any mug is a favorite as long as it holds some good black coffee.  But this one is special.  My dad's family is buried in Dunn County, WI.  When we were up there laying his mom to rest, years ago now, we ate at a restaurant near by.  Inside they sold some ceramics from a near by artisan.  I bought two of his mugs and over the years they've broken.  The last being almost a year ago.

Fast forward 20+ years and a good friend from the firehouse owns land in Dunn County ironically enough and allows me to hunt it.  While up there doing some summer time chores for him I made a run to visit grand mom and grand dad.  While I was down there I looked for the restaurant.  Unfortunately time took it's tole on a small business and they had closed their doors.  But the artisan lived next door!  Who Knew!  He had a shop with an open door policy.  His ceramics were on display with a box to deposit money for said items.  People still do that?!  I was able to find two mugs matching what I used to have.  I snagged them both.

With the barrel and super glue ready I got the other supplies set up...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2021, 01:45:19 PM by J. Holden »
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2021, 12:43:21 PM »
After I build up 6 layers of super glue I wet sand it.  The micro mesh pads start at 1500 grit and go up to 12000.  Since I can't remember which color is which I was smart enough to mark them when I bought them 1-9.  I set them in a container and add some water.
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2021, 12:46:04 PM »
I donn a nitrile glove and get to applying the super glue finish.  There's an accelerator spray one could use in between coats but I've found that waiting for the glue to dry on it's own is best.  Being thin glue it dries pretty fast.  In between coats while I'm waiting I set up my target and take a few shots.  I only get about 12-15 yards distance, but it's practice and that's what counts.
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #32 on: July 26, 2021, 12:48:16 PM »
Oh hey!  Looky there!  That's my new bow! :jumper:

A few coats later and this is what we have.  On occasion a high spot develops.  This isn't a perfect process as it's applied by hand.  But that's alright, we'll polish it out.
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #33 on: July 26, 2021, 12:51:17 PM »
After the 6 layers of super glue, 9 different sanding pads and a few shots with the bow I apply the finishing polish.  This is a friction polish that's applied.  It really makes the wood pop.  I kind of reminds me of when I'd spit shine my boots in Army.  And you get that mirror shine on the toes?  Any vets out there that can relate?!  Hooah! :thumbsup:  There's a side by side for reference.

Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #34 on: July 26, 2021, 12:54:43 PM »
The next piece needed that tenon fit to the finished piece.  This is a great spot to screw up.  Trust me, I know  :banghead:.  So slow and steady, I remove the wood.  Test fit, remove more, test fit, remove more.  It get's to the point where I'm using sand paper to remove wood as I'm looking for a nice tight fit.  O-rings are then added to snug things up.  You want an airtight joint here.  If any air escapes through here the call will not work.  Originally the instructions only called for 1 o-ring.  Over time I've added 2 o-rings as a fail safe/over build type of thing.  One last side by side picture of the polished and not polished piece.  I'm really happy with the fit between the two pieces.
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #35 on: July 26, 2021, 01:00:34 PM »
Lastly I again apply 6 coats of super glue, wet sand through the 9 different mesh pads and apply the friction polish.  Put it all together and take a final picture.  I usually give the call a couple blows but with the current climate of viruses floating around I'm trusting my handiwork and will have Tony be the first to lay his lips on it  :laughing:

I hope you all enjoyed watching the process.  It is a labor of love for me.  Tony, thanks again for the generous bid for the kids.  I pray this call bring's in a bruiser this fall.  If it does, please share a picture.  I love seeing the successes of others  :archer2:

-Jeremy :coffee:
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis

Online huckbuck

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #36 on: July 26, 2021, 01:05:54 PM »
WOWSER!!  :bigsmyl: I Love it!  Thanks for the build along.
Now tell us about that new longbow...it's a looker as well.

Offline J. Holden

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #37 on: July 26, 2021, 01:55:32 PM »
Thanks for the kind words Tony.  I really hope you enjoy it this fall and it brings many bucks one step closer.

What bow?!  Oh, that bow?!  Awe shucks, it’s just an Echo longbow from Two Tracks Bow Co.  Chuck is another great artisan.  Long story short I was looking for a new ASL to gift myself for an anniversary present.  I recently celebrated 20 years at the firehouse.  I figured I’d buy myself something fun.  I had a credit with Chuck and he had that bow almost finished but no one lined up to take it.  So I snagged it and saved an agonizing wait.  It’s 67” long, a slight string follow, and pulls 44#’s @ 28”.  I have some beautiful arrows as well.  60-65 fir shafts and 190 grain points.  615 grain arrows with a healthy 16% foc.  I’m so happy with how quiet and fast that bow is.  A great combination of the best of both worlds.  I had Chuck call the bow “sawbucks” for 20 years.  Shedua riser and bamboo cores.  Brown glass on the back and belly.  I hope to shoot a deer or turkey with it this fall!

-Jeremy :coffee:
Pslam 46:10

"A real man rejects passivity and takes responsibility to lead, provide, protect, and teach expecting to receive the greater reward." Dr. Robert Lewis


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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #38 on: July 26, 2021, 02:22:45 PM »
Very cool!!!!


Online elkken

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Re: A St. Judes Game Call Build-a-long
« Reply #39 on: July 26, 2021, 03:12:30 PM »
What a great build along, a very special call for sure.  :clapper:
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