OK its me again with more questions. I really do appreciate all the great advice you guys provide. So on that Bingham's Take Down I am working on. Today I glued up the riser. So what I had to start with was a coreflex/superaction riser block. Then I had two light colored hardwood riser accent strips and 2 black phenolic strips. I had a real nice piece of what I think is cocobolo left over from something awhile back. I cut a piece of that to about 1/2" thick.
So the order was half of original riser block, black phonetic strip, light colored hardwood strip, 1/2" thick cocobolo (I think) , then the reverse, light colored hardwood, lack phenolic and then the other half of original riser block. So 7 pieces. I basically glued them up just like I did with the limbs with the smooth on and wrapped them in plastic wrap and applied the clamps and then threw it in the heat box. So that is where it is now.
But this is what I am pondering on. When I started applying the clamps, things got squirrelly and it was really hard to keep things aligned. Then I started wondering if the better way to do this was to maybe do half of this at a time and then once both halves are dry, then glue the two halves together kind of thing. I know it would have taken longer but just wondering if that would have been easier. Then I wasn't sure if you go throw already glued pieces back in the oven when you glued them together.
Just wondering what yall think about this. Did I do it right, or is there a better way?