I only started back to hunting three years ago. I’ve got one ladder stand, one pop up blind, a couple of brush blinds, but I mostly like to just prop up beside a tree in a ghillie. That’s the only way I’ve taken a deer, and passed on a small buck that way again this past year. Never even used the ladder stand last year, and may not this year. I’m not a fan of hunting from trees, and only partially due to a fear of heights.
I do put out mineral, but have given up on feeding corn. Don’t really like the idea of baiting with food, and I don’t want to spend tons of money doing it. I just can’t get into the idea of shooting a deer over a 400 lb. pile of corn.
I wear lots of old, handmedowns left from my dad. I spend less money on hunting than anyone I know. I also prefer to hunt alone. I’m pretty particular about how I hunt. That being said, I don’t kill many deer and no big ones at that. But to me there’s a lot more to it than that. I hunt the way I want, and don’t worry about others.