had some luck this morning...!!!
got home from school for the weekend around noon yesterday and made all the final preparations on all the gear. was sitting at the table with everything laid out just before bed and noticed i had only put my primary broadhead in the quiver (almost a BIG mistake) so i added another, set the alarm for 3:30 and went to bed.
got the blind up, decoys out, and seat set up, with a little more than a half hour to let everything quiet down. i just didn't realize that it would be that quiet for that long. by ten after six i had heard 2 gobbles way off in the distance. but just then i look up and suddenly there is a hen in the field in front of me. then three jakes step out of the brush behind her. she did not take long to walk within ten yards of the blind on her way to the adjacent field, paying zero attention to me or the decoys.
The jakes were in no hurry to follow in her footsteps. they spent the majority of the morning trying to dry themselves from the wet night. after almost 40 minutes the three had wondered to within ten yards and the string was coming back. i release and get nothing but air the bird stops and... looks back. he attempted to figure out what the line that was all around him was (from my string tracker[note to self the traker doesnt do much when you miss]) just long enough for me to get that aforementioned second broadhead out. without thinking about the shot, "instinct" took over and a second arrow was on its way, this time finding it's mark. he did manage to run off about 80 yards and get into some thick stuff where he proceeded to tear himself to pieces in the brush and ruin any chance of a good picture.
He has a 3.5 inch beard but i couldn't be happier as he is my first with the recurve!!
i packed everything up, grabbed the bird and walked over to where dad was set up and just walked up to his blind with the bird thrown over the shoulder. as i get close i cant even see him (wearing black is the key!)but i hear him laughing, it was perfect lol.
Good luck to all, i will add a pic Sunday night