Congrads Tim !!!
as luck would have it they never came my way but I did get to lagh my butt off at a couple deer that didn,t like my decoys.After a few charges foot stompin tearin away stompin right back they finally got down wind of me and it was over but they never looked at the blind.
I moved my blind up to the top of the hill where the birds had been in the mornin and stashed it.Scouted out further in since thats the way the birds had gone and found anther spot that looked real good and left figuring I'd decide in the mornin which spot
dang it they where right over at the other spot grrrrrrrr at least 5 that I could pind down where gobblin away none came may way and an hr or so later I hear booom booom from the other side of the woods.
Since it had been raining all morning I was sure glad to be in my blind.I was just about to head back to get things wrapped up around camp before heading home and I let out a call.....way off I hear a gobble so I call again he answer's sweet I think.Anyway he came in went out came back and shut up and I don't know what happened cept I went home empty handed
Good luck everybody!!!