Tree stand safety! I just wanted to post this year to remind everyone to PLEASE, check any straps/stands in the woods and when one leaves the ground to stay connected to the tree the whole way until back on the ground. There is no reason today not to, we spend time and money to enjoy the passion we all have, and to do it for long time. I know many of you will scoff and say "I been doing this for _ _ years", yeah I know me too, but lived long enough to learn from it. Last year, I taught a hunter education class, a parent came up after and asked if I really wear those things (harness). I said I did, unless I was saddle hunting, but always attached to the tree, he shook his head and said not me. This summer, seen his son and he told me, his Dad is now crippled, because he fell. His son (16), looked at me and said, "why didn't he listen to you, I did. Now we will never get to hunt again together". The chance you take impacts more than you and the animal. "STAY CONNECTED" OR STAY ON THE GROUND.