Honestly can't say about his legs, but I guess they are grey...
This afternoon's hunt >>>------------>
I got in stand on south lease (I hunt the lease during gun because bro has other folks there for gun) at 1:00 pm , after about 20 minutes a buck comes thru north of me , wind is SW so I waited to see, and all good! He was young and moved on ...
Next up a doe and fawn come from NE and all still good. Actually didn't get busted at all and had deer on all sides before I was done.
Then a doe comes from NW and a grunter behind her. Nice 10 I think, dark rack, looks good, gonna shoot...
She circles behind me and he cuts across in front, but now coming straight on as she moves away. I'm at full draw for awhile and he springs forward and I give him the ol TV mehh. Stops just before getting behind the brush(more on that in a minute) and I drop the string. The arrow looks real good, midway up behind shoulder , 8 yards out, I'm thinkin dead deer!!
He takes off and runs about 50 yards, and stops, I wait for him to topple, but he snorts twice and walks over the edge of a low spot. Never had one snort on a kill shot but what the hey, all good...
Now there is grunting in the low spot where he went?? Now a buck coming in behind my left shoulder, no blood on this side, he turns and passes on my left side showing his right side, no blood on that side either. It's a different buck and a heck of a lot bigger! I have an arrow on but I'm not shootin with one already dead down there. He goes across in front , then turns and comes back across, 12 - 15 yards , clean lanes. That will test ya!!
Finally the buck and the half dozen does leave and I get down to look at my arrow stuck in the dirt. It's clean?? It looked like a textbook shot!!
Then I see the itty bitty dead cedar limb about 1/8" thick that it hit, and turned it down into the dirt. Amazing what my mind was sure it saw but wasn't...
On to the next! Those two were both too lucky I reckon...