.400 spine shafts would be appropriate for a 55-60# bow at your 29" draw. You should be looking for .800 for those 20# limbs and maybe .600 for the 45#.
Thanks! On Friday I was in Bronson FL for some business. After I was finished, I called a archery shop in Chiefland called "The Deer Camp" to confirm that they were open and had a good selection of carbon arrows suited for my purpose. They confirmed both and that they were knowledgeable about traditional archery as well. The woman who helped me was friendly and seemed like she knew what she was doing. I had my bow with me and although I'd previously checked my draw length, she offered to check it again. She measured the same as I did, 29.25". Measured by a accurate digital fish scale at 29.25" my 20# limbs actually come in at 29#. She suggested some GT traditional CF arrows at a 500 spine weight based on the chart above the arrow display. She cut them down to 29.75, installed the inserts and supplied 125 grain field points. When I told her where my arrows were grouping, high and to the right (I'm a lefty), she suggested that I use a higher anchor point to bring them down and that it was probably my (lack of good)form that was causing the POI error... A bit later today, I'll swap my limbs for the 45# ones and get an accurate measurement of what they are at my draw. If they're anything like the 20# rated ones they'll be closer to 50#+. Perhaps the 500 spine arrows will be suitable for that weight... I'll add that while the women at The Deer Camp stated that they were knowledgeable about traditional archery, they had a total of two recurve bows on display and probably 50-75 compound bows and crossbows...
In any case, I'm about to see if I can't watch a least half of "The Push" right now.