As a general rule a bow with higher numbers in the beginning of the DFC (10") and low numbers at the end of the DFC (28") is usually the faster bow... When the difference is extreme between two different bows this will usually apply... If the numbers are close and you have two different types of limbs or the same kind of limbs this rule does not always apply... As in this case the numbers on the 2018 bow ( 10.84 & 5.00% ) and the 2021 bow ( 11.07 & 4.84% )... 2021 should be the faster bow... But it is not... 2018 edges it out by about 2 fps... I believe it is because the 2018 has shorter, snappier limbs... If you look at the curve on 2018 at the 28" mark the curve starts pulling away from the line in a more vertical direction... I have been told in the past by a bowyer or two that you want the bow to start stacking right after where you draw the bow for good performance... This theory seems to hold true with this DFC... Now when I make my new limbs I will make them similar to bow 2018... I am not sure how I will tweak them yet... I will post that when I decide...
When you are comparing two sets of limbs of the same design and you want a smooth draw... It is simple... Just go by the numbers... Big in the beginning of the draw and small at the end... If you want performance it is more of a balancing act... You want an optimal curve on the DFC graph... It's all about how those limbs are gonna unfurl during the shot cycle to transfer their energy to that arrow... I think it is about keeping a nice even pressure on that arrow during the whole shot cycle... I believe a straight limbed bow will have most of the pressure on the arrow at the beginning or the shot cycle...
Below is a DFC of those big oversize hooked recurve limbs... I drew a line on the graph from the first to last point... A lot of people say that space between the line and the curve is stored energy... I am not sure I believe that... And if it is stored energy they did not do the best job at delivering it to the arrow... I know of a few bows with a lot flatter DFC that goes just as fast or faster than one of these type bows... Granted they are fast but going by the theory that the DFC shows almost twice as much stored energy you would think it would be a whole lot faster...