I joined TG 12 years ago and have been active ever since. I check-in daily and post when I have something worth saying. I've seen activity come and go and I think that cycle will always exist. Timing of this thread has a lot to do with it... most people have already stopped hunting so you aren't seeing daily success threads, and many have just finished a 5 or 6 month burst of hunting related activity and will now move onto other hobbies until the archery bug bites again in the summer. Most of the members on here are hunters and do not saturate all 12 months with archery - again, I said most, not all.
I do laugh at the one response on here that eludes to being annoyed by the "new" types of discussions and methods people use. THAT is ONE of the reasons fewer people post right there - I've seen a "boom" of the trad elite type responses that seem to think there was is the only way. That turns off new people really fast. An example I see is someone asking about FOC or micro arrows as the above poster notes, and that person gets 10 responses from people saying they shoot wood arrows. How does that help or encourage that person to post or further the discussion he or she was interested in? The other thing that has bugged me (on all forums) is when the response is "do a search." What's the point of a forum if everyone is supposed to find all answers from prior discussions... that means the new forum is of no value and it's now a database rather than a forum. I digress...
I can speak to my personal situation and why it lends to sometimes not being as present here as I've been in the past at times. I work to darn much. Our world expects 50-60 hour work weeks as a base now, many work much more than that. It's such a constant pressure that I often have very little down time to do anything other than the bare necessities. I bet many are in that same cycle so sometimes our hobbies have to fall off a bit. Along with that... because of the demand on my times, when I do get a free day I'd much rather be actually in the woods or on my boat, that posting about it or reading someone else's report on it. I think that has an impact as well.
I think the site is fantastic and I'll continue to use for as long as it's available. From what I can see, the folks that run it are hunters at heart and love the site they produce - that shows in the results and I, for one, appreciate that greatly. The country has had it's share of struggles this past 18+ months and I'm sure that's reflected in participation here. But all in all, the site is great and I love the community. Even as a relatively young guy, I still remember and miss some of the folks that use to post here often and had many stories to share and discuss. Many of them were the constant contributors that you knew would post something great weekly. Most of those folks (you can fill in the blank of who you think they are for you) haven't been replaced and I think that is a big thing we see... I don't know these men personally and have only shared their adventures through their writings here, but the Giants like Charlie Lamb, Ron LaClair, and countless others can't be replaced. When those guys were super active this place was amazing as they lived the lives many of us in this hobby wish we could - so we tuned in regularly to hear their stories.
Again, I love the site, and I do believe it's a cycle and reflective of the crappy last year + we've all endured. But there is no forum I'd rather be a part of. And to Rob's point... if you don't like what you see, make a post and get the campfire going.