I guess my downfall is buying wool, it was Filson at first, very nice stuff which I believe I could wear for a lifetime and never wear out. I started buying random wool off eBay, I bought heavy merino wool sweaters from thrift shops for never more than $3 each. The Sportsman Guide had East German wool military pans on sale, four pairs for $27 so I bought some. A great friend who lives up north where the thrift shops are full of wool gifted me with a heavy lined Woolrich plaid coat.
I bought an Asble coat, nice but more of a shell than any serious protection from the cold.
I guess my wool obsession has ended, I found the German pants equal to or better than Filson, the $3 thrift shop sweaters better than any commercial "hunting sweaters", and the Woolrich coat which is actually a dress coat to be better than any hunting coat I have I bought from the hunting supplies retailers.
So, when I walk into the woods in an outfit that I may have $10 in I am just as comfortable as when I walked into the woods in my Filson outfit that I had close to $400 in.