Growing up I used to always love watching or reading stuff by guys like Jim Shockey or Tom Miranda who were always going after different species in different parts of the world. It was really exciting stuff for a kid to realize that there is more out there to hunt than just whitetails in Michigan. While I was somewhat unrealistically inspired by reading about the slams and N.A. 29, those desires to go hunt new species in exciting new areas has stuck with me. I would love the opportunity to just try a bit of everything. Will I ever shoot all 5 caribou species? Probably not, but I'd sure like to try for one of the subspecies to get a taste of caribou hunting. Same with all of the other "groups", I'd love to experience hunting for them. Whether I'm successful in harvesting something isn't overly important. Obviously that would be great, but a huge part of hunting for me is the experience, and I would love to experience things such as hunting a muskox in the arctic, or a mountain hunt for goats, as I doubt I could ever afford a sheep hunt. Just stuff like that.
I've kind of based my career goals around this idea, whether or not that was a foolish thing to do is yet to be determined, but I'm hoping not. I'm just going to try and make things happen as best as I can and who knows, maybe one day I'll kill a grizzly.