I have a Rinehart Broadhead Buck target. The legs on it are not plastic BUT they are foam with a metal rod in the middle. The vitals have a hard plastic tube in the lower front and lower rear that hold the vitals in and in the bottom front of the vitals where a lower heart shot would be is a chunk of metal to reinforce the target. The entire target is self healing foam and in that respect is one of the best I have owned. An impact at any of the places I mentioned above is almost a guaranteed broken arrow and in that respect is the worst I have owned. I can't recommed this one for that reason unless you are good enough that you only hit the middle of the vitals. It would probably be a great target for a compound or crossbow shooter with sights, though. I also had a big shooter buck target. Stay away from that one. It has plastic legs and is not durable. I purchased one last year and shot it in two within a month.