Hey Wud
Over the last few years, I have bought the best part of 200 Red Balau shafts from Kevin Forrester. I reckon it makes a fantastic arrow.
Yep, they're heavy, but that's a good thing to me. Mine run around 880-900 grains for my normal arrows from my 75lb longbow, up to almost 1100 grains for my Water Buffalo hunting arrows from a few years back with the same bow.
Other than the nice weight, I've found Red Balau to be tough and very durable. I normally do any straightening needed with a polished stainless rod, but the odd stubborn shaft has responded well to a little judicious application of heat from a heat gun and then the stainless rod. Once they're straight I seal them really well, then seldom have any straightenss issues from there on.
Mine have behaved normally during tuning, and I've run from 190 grains up the pointy end, right up to 335 grains.
How do they shoot? Well I've got a swag of ruined ones in a bucket that I've wrecked over the years by driving another arrow into the nock, thus splitting and destroying the shaft, I think that's called Robin Hood-ing them. Attests to how well they shoot for me
I'm actually going to need to call Kevin Forrester soon to organise getting some more 11/32" Red Balau shafts at 105#. That seems to be the pick of the spine weight with 190 grains up front for me. I love how my bow shoots them, and it shoots them very quiet too.