Maybe it's me...??
I started bowhunting in 1976 when I was 16 years old.
(Ok, I've been shooting a bow since I could walk, and raining hell on the woodchucks in my grandad's garden 5-6)
But legally deer hunting... I used a 50# Bear Alaskan, tape on Bear quiver, and cedar arrows tipped with Bear Razorheads. Fred Bear was my childhood idol.
I shot everything with a Razorhead!! Rabbits, squirrels, deer, 2 FOX!! I learned early... A "one shot" deal.
If I missed, I could probly find my arrow, touch up the Razorhead, put it back in my quiver.
More times than not, a hit, or miss, resulted in a broken arrow and or bent broadhead...
Broken, bent, destroyed arrows and broadheads, was part of the game...