“I know, I should just put on a second mask, because I am obviously deficient in carbon dioxide.”
I'm not as skeptical as some, but to each his own. I certainly think you hit the bullseye with that comment, though, and not just about the second mask. My doctor's assistant, with whom I’m not overly impressed, is concerned that my blood pressure reads higher than it should, and is sort of edging in the direction of increasing my blood pressure meds. Funny thing, it doesn't read higher on my home blood pressure machine. I think she either doesn't believe me or thinks I must have some cheap-a$$ blood pressure machine at home. (I don’t lie and no). But I was still puzzled until I read your comment. I think that walking the block from my truck to the doctor's office with a mask on, and sitting there while I wait my turn, has increased my CO2 content enough to increase my blood pressure! This could be easily tested, of course, by allowing me to make one visit without a mask, but of course it is more important to wear a mask than to test a theory.