Hey guys. So I came across the opportunity to purchase my first Bear, ive never owned one, but always wanted one. But in saying that I have no idea what’s a good one to go after or a fair value. So I’ve comes across a 1969 Grizzly by the looks of things 56”/50#, Kodiak Mag 52”/50#(Unknown year GCE**?, can’t quite make it out in photos), and a 50# 76er. The seller won’t give me prices, just says make an offer but I don’t know, just looking to be fair. All 3 bows are in very good condition. More interested in the Grizzly since my draw is 29”.
I’ve also come across a supposedly 1971 “Red Stripe” B riser and choice of limbs. But the riser lost it’s serial # during a refinishing project, so there is no way to verify this exact year. Any help would be greatly appreciated!