I've only made a handful of bows but I have been using 2:1 (about to quit after seeing the wasted B and the fact smarter folks than I are using 5:4). Pot life for me is about 2 hours in a shop that sits in the 68°F - 70°F range, BUT... that is because I don't heat it before mixing AND I transfer from the cup to a 2" paint roller tray. I also use the 2" foam roller to spread the EA-40 on the lams which seriously reduces the amount of adhesive I use. I have been mixing 2 oz A to 1 oz B (3 oz total) and ending with about .5 oz left over to re-butter anything I missed or messed up on a 60" one-piece longbow (glass, veneer, taper, taper, riser, parallel, veneer, glass).
I mix my parts in those graduated cups the epoxy river table nerds use, with a plastic tongue depressor. The plastic sticks can be wiped off after use with denatured alcohol and reused. West Systems makes some nice shaped ones and a pack of them will last you a long time if you don't abuse them (use something else to open your EA-40 cans).