Well….. If you measure the quality of using different types of materials and glue by taking surveys on the internet you can get a pretty good cross section of opinions and base your own choices accordingly.
You can also get a lot of bogus info based on info passed along by people with no real experience, or very little experience with the product at all. I believe 2nd hand info is called hear say…. I would highly recommend looking closely at the source of your info.
Until you have used a product, or multiple products yourself and experienced the difference, and used it in many different applications, you won’t really know for sure.
There are a lot of key board experts out there that are very good at researching knowledge gained by what others have experienced, but have very little hands on experience themselves. Theory and opinions based on 2nd hand info is great for helping make decisions on trying something new and expanding your own knowledge base.
But be very careful how much stock you put into a lot of this so called expert advise you get from inexperienced people that cannot show you their finished products, have a solid base of craftsmanship with decent longevity, with good references. Talk is cheap… Kirk