I also think we all aim. The difference is how we do it. Gap shooters, string walkers, etc. work out measured aim methodology using the conscious mind to the max. Others, such as instinctive shooters have shot at "the spot" enough times that the brain automatically adjusts the hold. If these guys let their subconscious mind do its work without too much external interference, their arrows go where intended. That's only my opinion. Personally, I believe that I use a sort of split vision (?) style. I don't have a naturally good hand/eye co-ordination when I draw, so I look at the point briefly to make sure it is more or less pointed at the target. Once I pick a spot, I no longer actually see the point and shoot like a pure instinctive shooter. In short, I think whether we deliberately line up a shot with the gap, etc. or use an instinctive point and shoot, we are aiming.