Cook, I enjoyed my progression as well, wouldn't take anything for it.
Bowhunting has always been 'up close and personal' for me. Yes, there are times that I have killed animals further than '20 yards', but also, when I did my stint with the compound no one I knew shot over 20- 25 yards. We never really practiced at longer distance.
However, I'm in the east where the perspective is different that Wyoming and 30 yards 'looks' like 20. Some one told me that when I went on my 1st antelope hunt, and they also told me to immediately start roving with my judo the day I got there and start shooting 30 and 40 yards to get the perspective down so 30 would look like 30 in my mind's eye.
I instantly related, and again due to basketball, as we always played in a school gym. Once we got to play in the Omni in Atlanta(long gone now) before Atlanta Hawks played. When we got there the place was so huge compared to what we were use to, the pre-warm up before the game warm up everyone was 'shooting air balls'. We all were coming up short. After that hour's worth of shooting, everything was back to normal, and our shooting was like being in our home gym. Our mind's eye had adjusted for the 'terrain' so to speak.
But yeah, we never would have considered taking shots with our compound like people do today. I saw a video over the weekend on youtube of a guy taking a shot from 65 yards at a bedded elk target and advocating it. He claimed his shot was perfect, but everyone in the comments said "shoulder' blade aint perfect".
Anyhow, I still hunt the same way with a trad bow, I haven't 'shortened' my distance or 'regulated' it just because I shoot trad. I worked hard to get accurate, but it still made me a better hunter all around. I don't worry if its 20 yards or not, as in WY my antelope was farther than that, but is was still a 'personal' bowhunt as the WY perspective made it so.
Great thread guys.