Out of the two you mention Wud, I like the Ace Hex Blunt. Un-breakable and no springs etc to get all buggered and bent. And I can get glue-ons in the heavier weights I need.
But, that said, as much as I like the Hex Blunt, they are becoming more and more expensive to get from over there in the States, so for all my stumping and small game now, I use a home made blunt that works really well
It's simply a 160 grain field tip with a 1/4" hardened flat washer silver soldered to it. They weigh in at a fuzz over 190 grains, and have proven time and time again to be very effective, very robust, and just about un-losable. And I've shot them many 1000's of times
Not everyone's cup of tea, but I like 'em