That would make a good conversation piece. "Hey bro... What happened to your finger there?" "My doge ate it...."
They actually do a pretty decent job of reattaching fingers these days. But they never function the same again.
Years ago back in my wood framing days, i was working on a roof with an old timer that was always joking around and being careless. He was up on the ridge trimming plywood sheathing, and i was down below working on the overhang, when Clyde yells, "Damn it! I just cut my fingers of!!!" I looked up just in time to see 3 of his fingers rolling down the roof at me. So first thing i do was scramble to pick up the fingers. Not really knowing what to do with them, I took the cellophane off the pack of cigarettes i had in my pocket and wrapped the severed fingers in it, and stuck them in my pocket. Amazingly, there was not a lot blood at this time, and he was holding his wrist tightly to slow it down.
I told Clyde "i got your fingers, lets get you to the hospital." About that time he plops down on his butt and says "Sorry bro, I don't think i can make it down the ladder." Of course... we were up two stories... Go figure.... So i tell him, " just Dont you go passing out on me and bleeding out, i'll get ya off the roof." Lucky for both of us he wasn't a big man, but even still .....hauling a 165 pound man down a ladder in a fireman's carriage is a lot more difficult than it looks on TV... Trust me on that one.... There were no cell phones in those days, and i had no one to help me. So i threw him over my shoulder and got him to my truck, and applied some gause and duct tape to the stumps.
The nearest hospital wasn't far, and i got immediate attention carrying Clyde over my shoulder into the emergency room. He had passed out just about the time we got there and there just wasn't time to mess around.
When the doctor asked where the missing fingers were, i pulled them out of my pocked wrapped in cigarette cellophane. He got a big grin on his face and told me that i just saved this guys fingers doing that....but ice would have been better. I told him i was fresh out at the moment, and he laughed. Then he asked if i was ok? I was pretty much covered in blood at this point, but none of it being mine.
They did save Clyde's fingers, but that was the end of his framing days...... Kirk