Back in the 1970's... Fred Bear instituted a program, "Be a Two Season Hunter" to promote BowHunting.
I started bow hunting in 1976. I was the LAST of my friends, to switch to a compound.
I only bought a compound, because I couldn't find a badly needed string, for my old Bear recurve.
2 compounds later, I was tired of the "latest & greatest" buy a new bow every year mentality....
I quit bow hunting. I started again about 2000, with a used Kodiak Magnum and cedar arrows.
It was 1976 all over again!!!
That being said... I have ALWAYS been a gun hunter, and always will be...
Every year, Opening Day of rifle season, is a family tradition at our cabin at the base of the mountain.
NY's big game laws, allow all unused tags to be used as antler-less tags, during the late Muzzle-Loading season.
This, is when we fill the freezer..... A scoped In-Line, gets the job done!!
Bottom line... I'm a HUNTER!!! It's all about the meat....