I would like to see NYS go to a one buck per license. As mentioned earlier, hunters need to show restraint, and with the current system, they do not have to. I am in 4Y, while we were not affected at all by CWD a decade ago, we were hit hard by coyotes, EHD, and rampant poaching. With limited DEC EnCon Officers, the poaching will always be there, possible lifetime hunting ban if caught? One "hunter" was nabbed 2 years in a row, shooting at RoBo Deer, in the same location!
The coyotes are now under control, with small game and turkey populations finally making a comeback, but the poaching is still ridiculous (opening day of BOW season one year, I counted 72 rifle shots from just before sunrise to 9AM!!!), and ONLY due to a cooperative effort between farmers and landowners last season to NOT kill any deer due to the EHD decimation, there are deer around this season. The DEC knew of the EHD outbreak in June, yet still did not amend the issuance of DMP's.
Regardless, the DEC seriously needs to get back to it's foundation of sound biological management and the wise use of natural resources. It is only focused on selling as many licenses as possible to fill the state coffers. NYS can be a whitetail destination, but it has not been properly managed EVER. I don't even have hope anymore, as I have seen the decline for nearly 5 decades.