Shot this doe a few days first with a recurve.
Watched these 10 deer for a half hour or so, and they eventually went out of sight straight away from me....
I was confused, because i had a good bead on where they were feeding, and was set up on a good trail 200 yards back off the food source.
So after they vanished, i waited a bit, and started to prepare to leave. With bow on the ground and in the process of undoing my harness i look over my shoulder, and here they come(fast)!
Now they are not wasting any time. I go for broke, pull up my bow, slip on my tab and nock an arrow without a hitch, and somehow go undetected..... By then the lead doe is in my lane 12 yards away..
I shoot, and think ive missed. She walks 25 yards and goes down.
i am so very thankful.
38# Bear Kodiak Hunter
Gold Tip arrows
Magnus KillerB 2 blade heads
t.a.w. 598 grains
full passthru(lungs)....stuck in snow and dirt underneath.