Believe it or not, the less you think about aiming and hitting your mark, the better off you are, and the better you will become in time.
Establishing a repeatable form , a comfortable anchor point, and proper alignment are the 3 key elements to becoming a good archer. After that starts coming together you will start seeing groups of arrows developing instead of shot gun blasts….
The thing to remember is that instinctive shooting isn’t a form of aiming like Gap shooting where you are concentrating on the gap to get the correct elevation. You are concentrating totally on the point of impact where you want that arrow to hit, and letting your subconscious mind set the gap…. Your shooting “Becomes” instinctive. If you think about anything else ….then it starts getting frustrating.
You ever notice those days where everything feels good and your groups are hitting where you want them, then the following day you are all over the place?
9 times out of 10 it’s your form, your anchor , or your alignment is off a bit.
When that happens, go back to those basics Terry showed you. Think about how you are drawing the bow, and concentrate more on that alignment and using your back muscles instead of your arms to hold at full draw…you need to relax as you release that string….
Im a big believer in using your breathing to relax as you come off the string. It’s actually very similar to training for shooting a rifle efficiently. Except instead of squeezing the trigger slowly as you let your breath out, you are relaxing the fingers with the same exact amount of back tension every shot…. Let your subconscious take care of the aiming part, and it will be amazing how good you can become.
Im looking forward to hearing what you think of your new long bow…. Kirk