This thread has been fun. My favorite two-blade head? A sharp one! I've shot Grizzly, Zwickey, Ribteks and Magnus mostly. Now I've got a bunch of Ace broadheads. I like 'em all, have complaints about none of them.
I will say this, when I first started sharpening my own broadheads (22+ years ago) I got them sharp enough to shave, but not "hair-poppin'" sharp. I hope you all know what I mean when I say that, as to me there is a BIG difference. I started out with no "trad" mentor and pre-internet. Figured a bunch of stuff out the hard way.
When I finally met someone who showed me a better way to sharpen broadheads, my blood trails became much, much easier to follow.
I would say, judging from some the pics you all are posting, that your broadheads are more than just "shaving" sharp. I do believe, all else being equal that sharpness is much more important to serious blood-letting than number of blades.
But, as Terry mentioned earlier, that is from "my" research. What does "your" research say?