I've had and shot over 40 Hills. Liked just about every one. I've personally never found the Wesley to be that noticeably smoother than the others, and I have had (and still have) several. Mind you... darn fine... just not "Oh, my! That's smoother than I'm used to."
My choices nowadays are two: in the standard line, the Cheetah... always. I've had a number of them and every one was super smooth and really beautiful. However, some time back the HHL group worked with Craig to design our own bow, the Longbowman's Choice, and my most recent "go to" was the first one of those built. With my shoulder problems causing me to drop weight, I just last week ordered another, 64" and 36# @ 25". Construction will be osage, bamboo, an accent lam of cocobolo, bamboo and osage. Riser and tips will be cocobolo. The LBC inlay is the original Howard Hill broadhead done in silver. Can't wait...
Dick in Seattle (temporarily in Cleveland)