here's the stats:
light limbs, 28.5 to 32 pounds at 28"
My draw length is 28"
62" bow with 17" riser
Arrow is 600 Axis approx 410 grains, with 20% FOC = 13gpp
Arrow flight is excellent-- bare shafted, paper tuned, video tuned above arrow flight, center shot,
Brace ht is at the top of what I can gather as to recommended. 8.75 inches
Fast Flight flemish string
Two puff balls on string, one at 1/3 and one at 1/4 length of string.
4 arrow strap on quiver
Riser is a galaxy sear and limbs are wns bamboo glass
The bow shoots really nice, just not as quiet as I want.
I have not added any other limb dampening, or else..... yet.