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Author Topic: Compatibility Grayling mag riser and new Gainesville limbs and vice versa  (Read 3519 times)

Offline Elmer Keith

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Haven't been here for a long time. Interests had shifted a bit but now I am back to archery.

It seemed to my like a time journey when I learned that the Bear mag risers are back, o. k. a few of the very great variaty they once had.

BUT: would new limbs from Gainesville fit my old Grayling risers or would the old limbs from Grayling fit the new risers from Gainesville?
Elmer Keith

"To the housewife a piece of meat wrapped neatly in plastic has no more emotional effect than a bunch of carrots. But let someone say he is going hunting and her heart bleeds with sympathy for the game. " Fred Bear

Online Kelly

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They should work either way, at least mine do.

But, the new Eichler riser is another story. Grayling limbs don’t work without modifications, at least none of my 6-7 pair of Grayling limbs fit! Center spline on handle limb pockets is larger than the groove in Grayling limbs.

Enjoy the flight of an arrow amongst Mother Nature's Glory!

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Yours for better bowhunting, Kelly

Online stagetek

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The newer Bear red tips fit my Grayling Mag riser just fine.

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