Sometime back a group of Tradgangers got together and decided to do their part in keeping the heritage of traditional archey going. They took it upon themselves to put some youth archery sets together and pass them on to deserving young boys and girls.
I wrote David Knipes (Vermonster13)a letter describing a young man name Lane. Lane is the son of my best friend. His father is a compound shooter, but I am slowly turning him into a traditional shooter. He spent the weekend with my group at Cloverdale last year and purchased his first recurve. He shoots it a far amount and is getting better.
I thought if I was able to get his 6yr old son Lane a traditional bow this would help them spend time together and enjoy the outdoors together.
I received an email from Vermonster13 and he told me that a youth bow and some extras would be on the way. I was able to deliver it to Lane this evening and he was very excited to get his "Own" bow.
We gave him some instructions and he was off shooting. His father got his bow out and they both shot until it was too dark.
Blake told me thanks numerous times. He also told me to tell all involved a big thanks. I told him that a thanks was not due because of the smile it put on Lanes Face. Below are some pics I took and them. I know that Mad Dog bows, Vermonster13 and MAL leather was involved. I want to personally thank you folks for your efforts in keeping the sport of traditional archery going. HATS OFF to these folks.