Nice work guys. I’ve mentored for as long as I can honestly remember. I mentor personally, take kids from archery or hunter ed classes, NWTF, or just somebody puts them in contact with me. Fellas who mentor know were more blessed in helping than we ever bless the mentee. Now I need to say something. Eventually most guys get to the point the kids are grown and grandkids may not be around yet or old enough. Don’t stop mentoring. There’s some kid down the street would def come shoot with you if you invited him. Maybe get them ready for their hunter ed test, take em on a first hunt. Who knows one day when the hills are highest he may be the one helping you drag but it shouldn’t stop at the “he”. Don’t forget the girls or all the single moms. Lots would come as well if invited.
I commonly line kids up even before they’re old enough talking to mom. It’s important we do so.
I’ll relate a neat story. Years back I was in a mostly trad shop teaching archery. The owner had some woman come in said her daughter needed a mentor. Her dad divorced from mom, would not take her. She’d pay. The owner gave my number and I set up meeting. I set up the kids bow and once ready said I take her but mom had to come (I wasn’t bringing a little girl in the woods alone) and no money could exchange hands.
First day out we got her a decent turk, we helped her tag her first buck and lots small game. She’s now a sergeant in the marines and a great kid but that smile still warms my heart and I still talk to her mom.
Pic of our first hunt, look at what a great smile