I must confess that lately I’ve been feeling down. In fact, I’ve been struggling with depression and impostor syndrome; a constant self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments. Well, as Fred Bear once said, “nothing clears a troubled mind better than shooting a bow.” I couldn’t agree more, but I’d humbly like to add to that statement by saying that nothing clears a troubled mind better than shooting a bow with gear that you have made yourself.
My grandfather passed away recently and I’ve been feeling lost. Frankly, I wanted to turn to the bottle, but I’ve learned the hard way that that doesn’t solve anything. So I set out to building my own shooting glove. After reading and rereading instructions on how to do it, I finally came up with a glove that works perfectly for me. I gained a lot of self-confidence in the process and each time I reach anchor I can’t help but smile.
As I type this I just finished shooting my bow with my new glove and instead of feeling down or the usual Sunday night gloom, I feel proud and ready to take on tomorrow. Deer season is coming soon for me and I’ll be hitting the woods hard with my bow, new glove, and a positive attitude.