Looking for some advice / wisdom.
I’ve always primarily hunted food sources and travel routes between bedding and food sources. And then of course the rut changes things a bit, but you get the picture.
But my parents have some property that I hunt from time to time. And the reason for this thread is that I’m hunting it tomorrow. I have a spot picked out for in the morning, but I was thinking about trying something different tomorrow afternoon. (With regard to my hunt tomorrow, I’ve probably waited too late to get advice on this, so if you see this thread several days/weeks from now please still respond because it will help me in the future.)
You see, there is a very nice creek that flows through the property year around. It’s not just a trickle either, but a real flowing creek that can knock your legs out from under you in places. But, there are also spots where it doesn’t flow fast, and there are some spots where deer certainly cross it. We’ve seen them do it and also have evidence of it in the form of tracks. Well, the last time it rained in Alabama, I think Reagan was president, and there are no other water sources on the property. So it hit me this afternoon as I was sitting in the woods in 80°+ weather, that the deer have to be hitting that creek, and that maybe I should setup tomorrow afternoon in one of those spots we know they cross.
All this to say, I’d greatly appreciate any thoughts, ideas, or tips you may have based on hunting water sources like this. It’s just not something I’ve done before.