On to the rest of the week, slow deer movement but great weather to be out ,if you like south winds. LOL
Friday morning wind in NNW and light, so bro and I discussed stands, one we call the rut hunt stand is a travel corridor but no sign there. The other one on that end is close to neighbor's place and don't want to shoot one and have it cross line the day before gun season. Some folks are kinda sensitive about that...
So he went to the stand where I got the turkey and I went to a stand on the end of a levee that stops out in the middle of a big bottom full of waist to shoulder to high warm season grass. Had little hope of seeing much but gotta be somewhere, right?
Daylight a doe comes in past at 12 yards(looking for me I think, prob watched me walk in) and a small buck is a hundred yards out just chillin.
She goes on by and he heads off NW across the field. An hour goes by and I'm thinkin that's probably it for the morning, but then I see another buck who goes by at 150 yards. OK that's better. Then another buck 200 behind me crosses middle of bottom field .
Now this is looking up, and another nicer buck goes by on the run at 100 yds, he shouldn't have winded me but ?
Another half hour and a buck comes from the NW , once again across middle of the hill field headed for the bottom. I think, hmmm he is gonna go by at 40 but he turns and comes past the end of the levee brush and then turns N and comes by at 14 yards.
I decide I'll shoot him even tho he is a little small but gun season is tomorrow and there will be a lot less bucks and a lot more careful too.
I shoot and it's a couple inches back from where I wanted but good height. He blasts off and I text bro who had the better stand but has seen nothing. ??
I give him 3o minutes and check the arrow which blew thru and stuck firmly in the dirt. pretty good blood splatter but no bubbles in it . Hmmm, and the doubts set in.