My bow is a Hill Style or ASL by Creek Walker. I'm trying to find the best shooting arrow. I want to use 160 -165 gr broadheads. I got a test pack from Surewood since I would like to use fir. It has 55-60, 60-65 and 65-70 spines in it all 32 inches long. My bow is 66 inches, 45lb @ 28. Not center cut. My draw is 28.5.
The 55-60 show in the target as weak. Cutting off 1/4 ich at a time, the arrow gets down to 29 inches and still shows weak. Too short for my liking. Same with the 60-65 but a bit less weak and can get to 30 and still can't get it to center up. I thought, no way I need to shoot 65-70 but I tried anyway. It showd less weak at full length than did any of the others and had started to move more to the right when I had to stop and attend to some business.
Some observations, the nock moves a bit closer to center, left and right, as I cant my bow more. With the bow in a vertical position, it shoots showing a weaker arrow. With a tab, I get two weak arrows and a too stiff arrow. Then, a couple of fairly straight shots and then back to weak when I pay close attention to form. I'm shooting about 6 times with each adjustment of length on the arrow. When I change to a glove, it is more consistent. I get maybe 4 weak, one center and one stiff. The bow maker says he shot it with 60lb spine ash and it shot really well. Is it possible I need to use the 65-70 spine? All of my shooting is at eye level and I shoot at 5 yds, 7, 10 and a few at 15. ( broke two shafts from 15 when they flew sideways to the target and didn't get straightened out quick enough. Can a poor release or maybe not following through correctly or something else I am doing hinder the progress so much? This isn't as easy as it looks on you tube lol.