As an interior Alaska local... you will likely have to deal with hunter traffic if you don't have an angle. If you are coming in from out of state, you ought to spend the money to get into a place that isn't easily accessed. You'll want to do your homework. There are A LOT of 4x4 trucks, riverboats, airboats, rafts, 4 wheelers, Argos, and RV's in the mix during moose season... all looking for meat and antlers. Often, locals have their secret places close to home, but then again... does a guy really want to take his dream trip to hunt in Alaska and shoot a moose on public land behind a gas station, listening to cars drive by, in a little corner of woods that has been overlooked?
Even on the rivers, if you don't have a boat that's able to get you further than the rest of the pack (shallow running)... you may wind up competing with others. I flew out for a river float hunt in 2013, and it was a lot of fun... but over 13 days, we definitely saw more hunting parties than we saw moose. Not to discourage anyone, but times are definitely different than they were back in the day of "Bows on the Little Delta".